
NEWS: What you need to know about the Coronavirus Covid-19 in Italy

Coronavirus COVID-19 in Italy


July 2021 Update- Click to see our updated news on Italy travel 

Times Peter Brookes Italy Corona Virus
Italy takes no chances!
Credit/ Thanks The Times Peter Brookes

The Coronavirus in Italy

Italy is now in lock down.

See the English translation of the decree below:



Local English Speaking Newspaper the Florentine Recommendations for Those of Us Weathering the Lock Down:


See helpful Information and Advice about how to Help Italy from Florence’s wonderful doyen of all things social media Georgette Drupe:


Please make sure any help you give goes to locally based businesses that pay local tax. Local tour companies suffer unfair competition from unlicensed and unregistered businesses.

We have seen and heard a lot recently about the mass media hysteria and panic regarding travel to Italy and want to reassure you that Italy is a safe country to visit. We just have taken extraordinary steps to keep our very aged population safe.

Italy is the country that has done the most testing in Europe, hence has found the most cases. Italy has tested as of March 7th over 30,000 people where as the United States only about 1,500 . Testing is free and available to anyone in Italy. The media has blown the situation out of proportion. Italy is diligently handling the outbreak-hence the hyped media coverage.


WHO World Health Organisation Advice on Travel with the COVID-19 Coronavirus to Italy and other Countries

WHO organisation recommends  not cancelling travel. The WHO says the Coronavirus is a mild disease with a low death rate.

How Not to Catch the Corona Virus when Visiting Italy

Protecting yourself against the new Coronavirus is easy: just follow some simple but effective rules.

  1. Wash your hands frequently.
    2. Avoid close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections.
    3. Do not touch your mouth, eyes or nose with your hands.
    4. Cover your mouth and nose if you sneeze or cough.
    4. Do not take antiviral or antibiotic medicines unless they have been prescribed by a doctor.
    6. Clean surfaces with chlorine- or alcohol-based disinfectants.
    7. Use a mask only if you think you might be ill or if you assist ill people.
    8. Call the freephone number 1500 in Italy for more information.

What to do if you think you may have the Coronavirus in Italy

“What should I do if I think I have symptoms of the coronavirus?

If you develop a fever, cough or have difficulty breathing either in Italy or within 14 days of travelling here, you need to seek medical advice immediately but without endangering others.

Do not go straight to a hospital or doctor’s surgery. In Italy, call the government’s coronavirus hotline on 1500 for emergency advice in English, Italian or Chinese.

If you’re already back home, call your doctor and inform them that you recently travelled to Italy.

Until you’ve been tested for the virus, avoid further travel or contact with others.

According to the WHO, around 80 percent of people who contract the new coronavirus recover without needing special treatment.

Around one out of every six people who gets COVID-19 becomes seriously ill and develops difficulty breathing. Older people and those with underlying medical problems like high blood pressure, heart problems or diabetes, are at higher risk of developing serious illness.”


and the Regional Tuscany Coronavirus advice page in English


Tuscany has declared medical services free for all visitors to Tuscany!

The Common Flu

It’s not clear if the common flu kills more people than Coronavirus Covid-19. You are most probably more likely to die of the common flu than Coronavirus. “The CDC (The US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention) estimates that influenza has resulted in between 9 million – 45 million illnesses, between 140,000 – 810,000 hospitalizations and between 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010.” This flu, like any other flu, takes its toll on the elderly, very ill people with a low immune system and those who already have respiratory and lung problems.

CDC Flu Virus Deaths
CDC Flu Virus Deaths


Artviva has your peace of mind and safety at the forefront

Pier Testa, one of our directors is also the President for Fiavet Tuscany, a national tour operators association. So we are well placed to hear the latest updated information from industry and medical experts, official government sources, legal contacts and insurance experts.

Pier Testa Interview TG1 Corona Virus
Pier Testa TV Interview TG1 about the effects of the Coronavirus hysteria on Italy

Apart from not entering the small towns in northern Italy that are under quarantine- precautions you need to take when visiting Italy are exactly as you would take visiting anywhere-wash your hands regularly and don’t touch your face.

Here is a recent Guardian Article on why you shouldn’t worry about the Coronavirus in Italy


Here are some live web cams from the major tourism sites in Italy NOW so you can see that everything is normal!


Live Web Cam View of the famous old bridge-The Ponte Vecchio Florence, Italy


Live Web Cam Historical centre of Florence-Piazza Della Signoria


Live Web Cam Duomo Florence Italy


Live Web Cam outside the Duomo Milan


Live Web Cam St Marks Square Venice outside St Marks Cathedral


Live Web Cam Outside the Rialto Bridge Venice


Live Web Cam Trevi Fountain Rome


Live Web Cam Spanish Steps Rome


Live Web Cam Piazza Navona Rome


Live Web Cam Outside the Pantheon Rome


The Italian Tourism ENIT Service Updates on the Coronavirus


WHO (World Health Organization) advisory:


Information about how many people die from the common flu in the US each year:


Here is a Youtube link to Dr Drew on The Daily Beast blasting irresponsible reporting causing panic:


Dr Drew Doubles Down on Coronavirus Advice


Dr. Jennifer Ashton on What We Know About Coronavirus, Part 1 | The View

Saying its a highly contagious virus with a low mortality rate:

Here is a balanced article:


Here are some Coronavirus Myths Busted:


Here are different country advisory links on the Corona Virus and Travel to Italy:

You have a better chance of winning the lottery than catching and dying from the Coronavirus if under 50. Tuscany is offering free healthcare to all visitors. You are probably better off being here in Tuscany than in the US! Where just testing for the Coronavirus can cost $2-3,000

Monal Lisa WashingHer Hands Take Care Corona Virus Italy



People’s Republic of China




New Zealand:


South Korea


United Kingdom

United States

Coronavirus Covid-19 Testing Around the World


Latest Updates on the Corona Virus in Tuscany, Italy


 Pier Testa, a director at Artviva, went to a meeting held by Matteo Renzi (Ex Italian Prime Minister and now Senator) and was one of the people that spoke about the effect of the crisis in Italy.  This last week Pier Testa met with Dario Nardella the mayor of Florence. There were quite a few people at the meeting and Nardella spoke for about an hour. Summary is:
Tuscany has announced free health care for all during the crisis-including anyone visiting Tuscany:
There will be tax breaks for businesses in Florence, Italy.
It was said that the US is badly prepared for the virus. That is because they said in the US a worryingly  low % of people actually have adequate private health insurance. The Coronavirus test costs $2000-$3000 each person, so most people will choose not to be tested.
So the virus will spread without proper controls because of the US health system.https://qz.com/1809382/us-health-care-costs-could-help-coronavirus-spread/


Latest Update for the CoronaVirus in Florence Italy

 Attachment Details Dario-Nardella-Mayor-Florence-Update-Corona-Virus-Florence-Italy
This is the latest update from Nario Nardella Mayor of Florence Italy

Update all schools and univerities in Italy closed until April 6th 2020


March 8th Official Italian Government Decree on Coronavirus Covid-19 in Italian:


Google Translation Software Translation In English


THE PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS Having regard to the law of 23 August 1988, n. 400;

Given the decree-law of 23 February 2020, n. 6, containing «Urgent measures regarding the containment and management of the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19» and, in particular, article 3;

Having regard to the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 23 February 2020, containing “Implementing provisions of decree-law 23 February 2020, no. 6, containing urgent measures regarding the containment and management of the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19”, published in the Official Journal n. 45 of 23 February 2020;

Having regard to the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 25 February 2020, containing “Further implementing provisions of decree-law no. 6 of 23 February 2020, containing urgent measures regarding the containment and management of the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19”, published in the Official Gazette no. 47 of 25 February 2020;

Having regard to the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers on March 1, 2020, containing “Further implementing provisions of decree-law no. 6 of February 23, 2020, containing urgent measures regarding the containment and management of the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19”, published in the Official Gazette no. 52 of 1 March 2020;

Having regard to the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers 4 March 2020, containing “Further implementing provisions of the decree-law 23 February 2020, n. 6, containing urgent measures regarding the containment and management of the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19, applicable on the entire national territory “, published in the Official Gazette no. 55 of March 4, 2020;

Considering that the World Health Organization on January 30, 2020 declared the COVID-19 epidemic an international public health emergency;

Given the resolution of the Council of Ministers of 31 January 2020, with which it was declared, for six months, the state of emergency on the national territory relating to the health risk associated with the onset of pathologies deriving from transmissible viral agents;

Considering the evolution of the epidemiological situation, the particularly widespread nature of the epidemic and the increase in cases on the national territory;

It was deemed necessary to remodel the areas and identify further national measures;

Considering, moreover, that the supranational dimensions of the epidemic phenomenon and the interest of several areas on the national territory make necessary measures aimed at guaranteeing uniformity in the implementation of the prophylaxis programs developed at international and European level;


Taking into account the indications formulated by the Scientific Technical Committee referred to in article 2 of the ordinance of the Head of the Department of Civil Protection on February 3, 2020, n. 630, in the sessions of 7 March 2020;


On a proposal from the Minister of Health, after consulting the Ministers of the Interior, Defense, the Economy and Finance, as well as the Ministers of Education, Justice, Infrastructure and Transport, University and Research, Agricultural Policies food and forestry, cultural goods and activities and tourism, labor and social policies, for the public administration, regional affairs and autonomies, as well as after hearing the President of the Conference of the Presidents of the regions and, for the profiles of competence, the Presidents of the Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy, Marche, Piedmont and Veneto regions;



ART. 1

Urgent measures to contain the contagion in the Lombardy region and in the provinces of

Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia, Rimini, Pesaro and Urbino, Alessandria, Asti,

Novara, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Vercelli, Padua, Treviso, Venice)

  1. In order to counter and contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the Lombardy region and in the provinces of Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia, Rimini, Pesaro and Urbino, Alessandria, Asti, Novara, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola , Vercelli, Padua, Treviso and Venice, the following measures are taken:
  2. a) avoid any movement of natural persons entering and leaving the territories referred to in this article, as well as within the same territories, except for movements motivated by proven work needs or situations of necessity or movements for health reasons . return to your home, home or residence is allowed;
  3. b) subjects with symptoms of respiratory infection and fever (greater than 37.5 ° C) are strongly recommended to stay at their home and limit social contacts as much as possible, by contacting their doctor;
  4. c) absolute prohibition of mobility from one’s home or dwelling for those subjected to the quarantine measure or positive to the virus;
  5. d) sporting events and competitions of any order and discipline are suspended, in public or private places. The aforementioned events and competitions are allowed, as well as the training sessions of professional athletes and absolute category athletes who participate in the Olympic games or national or international events, inside sports facilities used behind closed doors, or outdoors without the presence of the public. In all such cases, the associations and sports clubs, by means of their medical staff, are required to carry out the appropriate checks to contain the risk of spreading the COVID-19 virus among athletes, technicians, managers and all accompanying persons. who participate;
  6. e) public and private employers are recommended to promote, during the period of effectiveness of this decree, the enjoyment by employees of ordinary leave and holidays, without prejudice to the provisions of article 2, paragraph 1 , letter r);
  7. I) the lifts in the ski areas are closed;
  8. g) all organized events are suspended, as well as events in public or private places, including those of a cultural, recreational, sporting, religious and fair nature, even if held in closed places but open to the public, such as, by way of example, big events, cinemas, theaters, pubs, dance schools, game rooms, betting rooms and bingo halls, discos and similar places; in these places all activities are suspended;
  9. h) the educational services for children referred to in article 2 of Legislative Decree 13 April 2017, n. 65, and didactic activities in the presence of schools of all levels, as well as the frequency of school and higher education activities, including universities and institutions of advanced artistic, musical and choreutic training, professional courses, masters courses for health professions and universities for the elderly, as well as professional courses and training activities carried out by other public bodies, including local and local authorities and private subjects, without prejudice in any case to the possibility of carrying out remote training activities with the exception of courses for doctors in specialist training and specific training courses in general medicine, as well as the activities of trainees in the health professions. In order to maintain social distancing, any other form of alternative aggregation is to be excluded. Meetings of the collegial bodies in attendance are suspended. The managing bodies ensure the cleanliness of the environments and the administrative and accounting obligations concerning the educational services for children referred to, which are not part of educational circles or comprehensive institutions;
  10. i) the opening of places of worship is conditional on the adoption of organizational measures such as to avoid gatherings of people, taking into account the size and characteristics of the places, and such as to guarantee visitors the possibility of respecting the distance between them of at least one meter in Annex 1 letter d). Civil and religious ceremonies are suspended, including funeral ones;
  11. I) the museums and other cultural institutes and places referred to in article 101 of the code are closed

of cultural and landscape heritage, pursuant to Legislative Decree 22 January 2004, n. 42;

  1. m) public and private bankruptcy procedures are suspended with the exception of cases in which the assessment of candidates is carried out exclusively on curricular basis or electronically; competitions for health personnel are also excluded from the suspension, including state and qualification exams to practice the profession of surgeon, and those for civil protection personnel, which must take place preferably in remote mode or, if not, by guaranteeing the interpersonal safety distance of one meter referred to in Annex 1 letter d);
  2. n) restaurant and bar activities are allowed from 6.00 to 18.00, with the obligation, on the manager, to prepare the conditions to guarantee the possibility of respecting the interpersonal safety distance of at least one meter referred to in Annex 1 letter d ), with sanction of suspension of activity in case of violation;
  3. o) commercial activities other than those referred to in the previous letter are permitted provided that the operator guarantees access to the aforementioned places in a manner that is contingent or in any case suitable for avoiding gatherings of people, taking into account the size and characteristics of the premises open to the public , and such as to guarantee visitors the possibility of respecting the distance of at least one meter referred to in Annex 1 letter d), between visitors, with the sanction of suspension of activity in case of violation. In the presence of structural or organizational conditions that do not allow observance of the interpersonal safety distance of one meter, the aforementioned structures must be closed;
  4. p) ordinary leave of health and technical personnel, as well as of personnel whose activities are necessary to manage the activities required by the crisis units set up at regional level, are suspended;
  5. q) in all possible cases, in the course of meetings, remote connection methods are adopted with particular reference to health and socio-sanitary structures, public utility services and coordinations activated in the context of the emergency COVID-19, in any case ensuring the observance of the interpersonal safety distance of one meter referred to in Annex 1 letter d), and avoiding gatherings;
  6. r) on festive and pre-holiday days, the medium and large sales structures are closed, as well as the shops inside the shopping centers and markets. On weekdays, the manager of the aforementioned exercises must in any case prepare the conditions for ensuring the possibility of respecting the interpersonal safety distance of one meter referred to in Annex 1 letter d), with the sanction of suspension of the activity in case of violation. In the presence of structural or organizational conditions that do not allow compliance with the interpersonal safety distance of one meter referred to in Annex 1 letter d), the aforementioned structures must be closed. The closure is not available for pharmacies, parapharmacies and food outlets, whose manager is however required to ensure compliance with the interpersonal safety distance of one meter referred to in Annex 1 letter d), with the sanction of suspension of the activity in case of violation;
  7. s) the activities of gyms, sports centers, swimming pools, swimming centers, wellness centers, spas (except for the provision of services falling within the essential levels of assistance), cultural centers, social centers, leisure centers are suspended;
  8. t) the suitability exams referred to in article 121 of Legislative Decree 30 April 1992, n. 285, to be carried out at the peripheral offices of the civil motorization located in the territories referred to in this article; with a specific management provision, the extension of the terms provided for in articles 121 and 122 of the legislative decree of 30 April 1992, n. 285.

ART. 2

(Measures to combat and contain the spread of the virus throughout the country


  1. In order to counter and contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the following measures apply throughout the country:
  2. a) congresses, meetings, gatherings and social events are suspended, in which healthcare personnel or personnel in charge of carrying out essential public services or utilities are involved; any other convention or congress activities are also deferred to a date subsequent to the end of the effective date of this decree;
  3. b) demonstrations, events and shows of any kind, including cinema and theatrical performances, held in any place, both public and private, are suspended;
  4. e) the activities of pubs, dance schools, game rooms, betting rooms and bingo halls, discos and similar clubs are suspended, with the sanction of suspension of the activity in case of violation;
  5. d) the opening of the museums and other cultural institutes and places as per article 101 of the code of cultural and landscape assets, pursuant to Legislative Decree 22 January 2004, no. 42;
  6. e) carrying out restaurant and bar activities, with an obligation, on the operator, to enforce the interpersonal safety distance of at least one meter, with the sanction of suspension of the activity in case of violation;
  7. f) it is strongly recommended at commercial establishments other than those of the previous letter, outdoors and indoors, that the operator guarantees the adoption of organizational measures such as to allow access to the aforementioned places in a quota-based manner or in any case suitable for avoiding gatherings of people, respecting the interpersonal safety distance of at least one meter between visitors;
  8. g) sporting events and competitions of all types and disciplines, held in every place, both public and private, are also suspended; however, the aforementioned events and competitions, as well as training sessions for competitive athletes, are still allowed, inside sports facilities used behind closed doors, or outdoors without the presence of the public; in

all such cases, associations and sports clubs, through their medical staff, are required to carry out the appropriate checks to contain the risk of spreading the COVID-19 virus among athletes, technicians, managers and all accompanying persons who participate in it. Basic sports and motor activities in general, carried out outdoors or inside gyms, swimming pools and sports centers of all kinds, are allowed only on condition that it is possible to respect the interpersonal safety distance of one meter referred to in Annex 1, letter d);

  1. h) the educational services for children referred to in article 2 of Legislative Decree 13 April 2017, n. 65, and didactic activities in schools of all levels, as well as the frequency of school and higher education activities, including universities and institutions of advanced artistic, musical and choreutic training, of professional courses, including regional, masters, universities for elderly, and courses carried out by driving schools, in any case without prejudice to the possibility of carrying out distance learning activities; Post-university courses connected with the exercise of health professions are excluded from suspension, including those for doctors in specialist training, specific training courses in general medicine, the activities of trainees in the health professions, as well as the activities of the schools of ministries of interior and defense and of the economy and finance, provided that the safety distance specified in annex 1 letter d) is guaranteed. In order to maintain social distancing, any other form of alternative aggregation is to be excluded;
  2. i) educational trips, exchange or twinning initiatives, guided visits and educational trips, however named, scheduled by schools of all levels and levels are suspended;

1) without prejudice to the provisions of letter h), the readmission to educational services for children referred to in article 2 of Legislative Decree 13 April 2017, n. 65, and in schools of every order and degree for absences due to infectious disease subject to mandatory notification pursuant to the decree of the Minister of Health of 15 November 1990, published in the Official Journal n. 6 of 8 January 1991, lasting more than five days, takes place upon presentation of a medical certificate, also in derogation of the provisions in force;

  1. m) the school managers activate, for the entire duration of the suspension of the teaching activities in the schools, distance teaching methods also having regard to the specific needs of students with disabilities;
  2. n) in universities and institutions of high artistic, musical and choreutic training, for the entire duration of the suspension, didactic or curricular activities can be carried out, where possible, with remote modalities, identified by the same universities and institutions, with particular regard to the specific needs of students with disabilities; Universities and institutions, after the restoration of ordinary functionality, ensure, where deemed necessary and in any case by identifying the relative methods, the recovery of the training activities as well as the curricular ones or any other test or verification, even intermediate, which are functional to the completion of the educational path;
  3. o) for the benefit of students who are not allowed, for the needs related to the health emergency referred to in this decree, to participate in the didactic or curricular activities of universities and institutions of high artistic, musical and choreutic training, these activities can be carried out, where possible, using remote methods, identified by the same universities and institutions, also with regard to the specific needs of students with disabilities; Universities and Institutions ensure, where deemed necessary and in any case by identifying the relative methods, the recovery of training activities, as well as curricular ones, or any other test or verification, even intermediate, that are functional to the completion of the educational path; the absences accrued by the students referred to in this letter are not counted for the purpose of admission to final exams as well as for the purposes of the relative assessments;
  4. p) accompanying patients are prohibited from staying in the waiting rooms of the emergency and reception departments and emergency rooms (DEA / PS), unless specifically indicated otherwise by the health personnel in charge;
  5. q) the access of relatives and visitors to hospitality and long-term care facilities, assisted healthcare residences (RSA), hospices, rehabilitation structures and residential structures for the elderly, self-sufficient and not self-sufficient, is limited only to the cases indicated by the health management of the structure, that it is required to take the necessary measures to prevent possible transmission of infection;
  6. r) the agile working method governed by articles 18 to 23 of the law 22 May 2017, n. 81, can be applied, for the duration of the state of emergency referred to in the resolution of the Council of Ministers 31 January 2020, by employers to any employment relationship, in compliance with the principles dictated by the aforementioned provisions, even in the absence of agreements individuals provided therein; the disclosure obligations pursuant to article 22 of law no. 81, are acquitted electronically also by using the documentation made available on the website of the National Institute for Occupational Accident Insurance;
  7. s) where possible, employers are recommended to encourage the use of periods of ordinary leave or holidays;
  8. t) with a specific managerial provision, in favor of candidates who have not been able to take the exam tests due to the suspension referred to in article 1, paragraph 1, letter of the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 25 February 2020, the extension of the terms provided for in articles 121 and 122 of the legislative decree 30 April 1992, n. 285;
  9. u) taking into account the indications provided by the Ministry of Health, in agreement with the coordinator of the interventions to overcome the coronavirus emergency, the territorial joints of the National Health Service provide the Ministry of Justice with adequate support for the containment of the spread of the COVID-19 infection, also by means of adequate safeguards suitable to guarantee, according to the health protocols drawn up by the Ministry of Health’s Directorate-General for Health Prevention, the new entrances in prisons and in penal institutions for minors. The symptomatic cases of new entrances are placed in isolation from other prisoners, recommending to evaluate the possibility of alternative measures of home detention. The visual interviews are held by telephone or video, also in derogation of the duration currently provided for by the current provisions. In exceptional cases, personal interviews may be authorized, provided that a distance of two meters is absolutely guaranteed. It is recommended to limit permits and probation or to modify the related regimes in order to avoid leaving and returning from prisons, considering the possibility of alternative measures of home detention;
  10. v) the opening of places of worship is conditional on the adoption of organizational measures such as to avoid gatherings of people, taking into account the size and characteristics of the places, and such as to ensure that visitors can respect the distance between them of at least one meter in Annex 1 (d). Civil and religious ceremonies are suspended, including funeral ones;
  11. z) absolute prohibition of mobility from one’s home or dwelling for subjects subjected to the quarantine measure or positive to the virus.

ART. 3

(Information and prevention measures on the whole national territory) 1. The following measures also apply on the whole national territory:

  1. a) the health personnel follow the appropriate prevention measures for the spread of respiratory infections provided by the World Health Organization and apply the indications for the sanitation and disinfection of the environments foreseen by the Ministry of Health;
  2. b) an express recommendation is made to all elderly people or those suffering from chronic or multimorbable diseases or with states of congenital or acquired immunosuppression, to avoid leaving their home or residence out of cases of strict necessity and in any case avoid crowded places in the which it is not possible to maintain the interpersonal safety distance of at least one meter, referred to in Annex 1, letter d);
  3. e) it is recommended to limit, where possible, the movement of individuals to strictly necessary cases;
  4. d) subjects with symptoms of respiratory infection and fever (greater than 37.5 ° C) are strongly recommended to stay at their home and to limit social contacts as much as possible, by contacting their doctor;
  5. e) in the educational services for children referred to in Legislative Decree 13 April 2017, no. 65, in schools of all levels, in universities, in the offices of the remaining public administrations, information on the health and hygiene prevention measures referred to in Annex 1 is displayed in the spaces open to the public, i.e. of greater crowding and transit. ;
  6. f) the mayors and trade associations promote the dissemination of information on health and hygiene prevention measures referred to in Annex 1 also in commercial establishments;
  7. g) it is recommended that municipalities and other local authorities, as well as cultural and sports associations, offer individual recreational activities as alternatives to the collective ones prohibited by this decree, which promote and favor outdoor activities, provided that they are carried out without creating gatherings of people or carried out at the domicile of the interested parties;
  8. h) in public administrations and, in particular, in the areas of access to the structures of the health service, as well as in all premises open to the public, in compliance with the provisions of the directive of the Minister for Public Administration of 25 February 2020, no. 1, disinfectant solutions for hand hygiene are made available to employees, as well as users and visitors;
  9. i) in carrying out public and private bankruptcy procedures, appropriate organizational measures are taken to reduce close contacts between candidates and to guarantee participants the possibility of respecting the distance of at least one meter between them, as per annex 1 , letter d);

1) public transport companies, even long-distance ones, take extraordinary measures to sanitize vehicles;

  1. m) anyone who, starting from the fourteenth day prior to the date of publication of this decree, entered Italy after having stayed in areas of epidemiological risk, as identified by the World Health Organization, must communicate this circumstance to the Department of prevention of the ‘health company competent for the territory as well as to its general practitioner or to the pediatrician of free choice. The methods for transmitting data to public health services are defined by the regions with a specific provision, which indicates the references of the names and contacts of public health doctors; if contacted via the single emergency number 112 or the toll-free number specifically set up by the region, the operators of the centers communicate general information and contact details for transmission to the territorially competent public health services.
  2. The public health operator and the territorially competent public health services shall, on the basis of the communications referred to in paragraph 1, letter m), prescribe the stay at home, according to the methods indicated below:


  1. a) contact by telephone and obtain information, as detailed and documented as possible, on the areas of stay and on the journey made during the previous fourteen days, for the purpose of an adequate assessment of the risk of exposure;
  2. b) ascertained the need to initiate health surveillance and fiduciary isolation, inform the interested party in detail on the measures to be taken, illustrating the methods and purposes in order to ensure maximum adherence;
  3. c) ascertained the need to start health surveillance and fiduciary isolation, the public health operator also informs the general practitioner or pediatrician of free choice from whom the subject is also assisted for the purpose of any certification for the purposes INPS (circular INPS HERMES 25 February 2020 0000716 of 25 February 2020);
  4. d) in case of need for INPS certification for absence from work, a declaration is sent to the INPS, to the employer and to the general practitioner or pediatrician of free choice in which it is declared that for public health reasons, it was quarantined, specifying its start and end date.
  5. The public health operator must also:
  6. a) ascertain the absence of fever or other symptoms of the person to be isolated, as well as of any other cohabiting partners;
  7. b) inform the person about the symptoms, the characteristics of contagiousness, the methods of transmission of the disease, the measures to be implemented to protect any cohabitants in the event of the appearance of symptoms;
  8. c) inform the person about the need to measure body temperature twice a day (in the morning and in the evening).
  9. In order to maximize the effectiveness of the health procedure it is essential to inform about the meaning, methods and purposes of home isolation in order to ensure maximum adherence and application of the following measures:
  10. a) maintenance of the state of isolation for fourteen days from the last exposure;
  11. b) prohibition of social contacts;
  12. c) prohibition of travel and travel;
  13. d) obligation to remain reachable for surveillance activities.
  14. In the event of symptoms, the supervised person must:
  15. a) immediately notify the general practitioner or pediatrician of free choice and the public health operator;
  16. b) wear the surgical mask provided at the start of the health procedure and move away from the other partners;
  17. c) stay in your room with the door closed ensuring adequate natural ventilation, pending transfer to the hospital, if necessary.
  18. The public health operator will contact the person under surveillance daily to find out about health conditions. In the event of symptoms, after consulting the general practitioner or pediatrician of free choice, the public health doctor proceeds according to the provisions of circular no. 5443 of the Ministry of Health of 22 February 2020, and subsequent amendments and additions.
  19. The application of the health and hygiene prevention measures set out in Annex I is recommended throughout the country.

ART. 4

(Monitoring of measurements)

the. The territorially competent prefect, informing the Minister of the Interior in advance, ensures the execution of the measures referred to in Article 1, as well as monitors the implementation of the remaining measures by the competent administrations. The prefect, where necessary, makes use of the police forces, with the possible assistance of the national fire department, as well as the armed forces, having heard the competent territorial commands, notifying the President of the region and of the autonomous province concerned.

  1. Unless the fact constitutes a more serious offense, failure to comply with the obligations set out in this decree is punished pursuant to article 650 of the penal code, as provided for in article 3, paragraph 4, of the decree-law of 23 February 2020. , n. 6.

ART. 5

(Final provisions)

  1. The provisions of this decree have effect from 8 March 2020 and are effective, unless otherwise provided in the individual measures, until 3 April 2020.
  2. The measures referred to in Articles 2 and 3 shall also apply to the territories referred to in Article I, where similar stricter measures are not envisaged for those territories.
  3. From the effective date of the provisions of this decree, the decrees of the Prime Minister of 10 March and 4 March 2020 cease to produce effects.
  4. The power of ordinance of the Regions, as per article 3, paragraph 2, of the decree-law of 23 February 2020, n. 6.
  5. The provisions of this decree apply to the regions with special statutes and to the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano, compatibly with their respective statutes and the relative implementation rules.

Roma, – 8 MAR , 2020






Meanwhile in Australia panic buying has led to a national toilet paper shortage!



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EU's new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect on May 25, 2018. We want to let you know we’ve updated our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions

Information about the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

We inform you that for the establishment and execution of the contract with you, when you book one of our services our organization comes into possession of some of your data, also acquired verbally, qualified as personal by the European Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR).According to the law, this treatment will be based on principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of your privacy. According to article 13 of the GDPR 2016/679, therefore, we provide you with the following information: Nature of the data processed:We process your data:• Anagraphic, fiscal and of an economic nature necessary for the performance of contractual relationships with you, whether current or future;• Spontaneously supplied by you for the personalized execution of the current or future contract, bearing in mind that there is no obligation on your part to supply them. The data are processed with your express consent (Article 24 letter a, b, c Privacy Code and Article 6 letter b, and GDPR) accepting - with a click in the box at the end of the completion of the form - the terms and conditions of the service we perform.All data will be used solely and exclusively to fulfill:• Pre-contractual, contractual, post-contractual and tax obligations arising from relationships with you;• To the obligations established by law, regulations, community legislation or an order of the Authority.We are not in possession of your data that can be classified as sensitive, particular or of a judicial nature (articles 9 and 10 of the GDPR). Purpose of the processing and duration:Your data are processed for the entire duration of the relationship contract and also subsequently, for contractual requirements and related fulfillment of legal obligations and taxation, and for effective management of financial and commercial relationships. The Data Controller will process personal data for the time necessary to fulfill the aforementioned purposes and in any case for no more than 10 years from the termination of the relationship for the purposes of service. Methods of processing: The processing will be carried out with both manual and / or computerized tools telematics with organizational and elaboration logistics closely related to the purposes themselves and however in order to guarantee the security, integrity and confidentiality of the data in compliance with the organizational, physical and logical measures provided for by the provisions in force. Obligation or right to provide data:As regards the data that we are obliged to know, in order to fulfill the obligations established by law, their non-conferment by you involves the impossibility of establishing or continuing the relationship, to the extent that such data are necessary for execution of the same. Scope of knowledge of your data: The following categories of subjects may become aware of your data, as managers or processors, appointed by the undersigned company:• Data controller;• Accounting and billing staff;• Those involved in the marketing and execution of services. Communication and dissemination:Your data will not be disseminated to third parties by us for their provision or consultation.Your data may be communicated by us to entities, as far as their respective and specific competence is concerned and in general to any public or private entity with respect to which there is obligation for us (or faculty) recognized by law or secondary or community legislation) or need for communication, as well as to our consultants, within the limits necessary to carry out their duties at our office organization, after our letter of appointment imposing the duty of confidentiality and security. Rights of the interested party: In accordance with Art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/03 of the Articles of the GDPR 679/16: 15 / Right of access, 16 / Right of rectification, 17 / Right to cancellation, 18 / Right to limitation of treatment, 20 / Right to portability, 21 / Opposition right, 22 / Right to oppose the automated decision-making process of GDPR679 / 16. You can exercise your rights by writing to the Data Controller with an email to: [email protected] Withdrawal of consent: With reference to Art. 23 of Legislative Decree 196/03 and Article 6 of GDPR 679/16, you can revoke the consent given at any time. Owner and manager of the treatment: The data controller is PIER CARLO TESTA, Director of the company "The Original & Best Walking Tours" with registered office in Via Sassetti 1 in Florence (Italy). The Data Processor, who can be contacted to exercise  rights and / or for any clarificationsregarding the protection of personal data, can be reached at: [email protected]
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